A few years ago, I saw an article about a guy in post-war Liberia that was writing out the daily news on a large chalkboard in his impoverished community. We're a couple of news junkies at our house, so I loved it. Nine times out of ten, CNN or MSNBC is on the tv at the same time NPR is on in the background. In post-war Liberia, there were no news agencies left, no radio stations. Much of the immediate local news was distributed by the UN. The chalkboard, called The Daily Talk, became a way of dispersing news for his community. Being informed of local news was seen as a human right. I fell in love with the story back then and it's amazing to have seen it first hand this week. I took some photos, but I have misplaced my camera cord so I can't upload them. So, in the meantime, here are some others.

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