Last night I threw on my thin patent leather flip flops as we rushed out the door to Summerfest to see Hall & Oates. Yes Hall and theOates. If you were there, I'm sure you would have had a good time. It was like every hit they had (there's a lot) crammed into 45 minutes plus two encores just to fit it all. Well, after walking from our car to the stage and standing all that time, my feet were hurting. Not the worst pain, but the "I just stay right here" and "I should have thought this shoe choice through" sort of pain. Blisters were on their way. Luckily, I had my amazing friend Casey along, who offered to trade sandals for the walk back. Oh, thank GOD! She gave me her Reef Sandals and it was like getting a foot massage and then pillow under my feet. Now, I have a similar pair of Tevas, but these had arch support and some real structure. I am browsing online for some new Reefs as we speak. The ones above are foldable sandals you can fit in your purse in case of a long walk or blister emergency. They don't look as comfortable, but they do offer compactability.
Thanks Casey, you made my dreams come true.....
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