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Lather Bamboo Creme Hair Wash and Rinse, H20+ Sea Salt Body Scrub, Nivea Intensive Nourishing Hand Cream, YonKa Fruitelia Renewing Lotion, Lace for the Face exfoliator, LOTS of water (with lemon, cucumber, or mint), Good Ol' Carmex, Soft Bristle Nail brush (use to scrub body, too)
Hey, check out my guest blog today over at Haute Apple Pie. It's a Spring Break Staycation guide to beautiful (yet cold) Milwaukee!
Try Alba's Sea Plus Renewal Cream. It's a thick, affordable and awesome night cream but you could use it during the day if your skin was really dry. I'm addicted.
you can find all the makeup brand and its price in the following website
I am addicted to Carmex and so is my wife.